I would D.I.E. for that IDE

The Stack Overflow Podcast

Our guest this week is Brian LeRoux, co-founder and CTO of Begin, which focuses on helping clients deploy AWS Lambda. He serves as a "Benevolent Dictator" in the role of JS Foundation Architect as part of the Linux Foundation. Prior to that, he held roles as a principal scientist at Adobe and a VP at the Apache software foundation.

Brian is a contributor to Deno, and walks us through what this project has to offer. He also made it easy to work with Deno right in the browser. You can check it out here.

You can learn more about Begin here. If you want to follow Brian, you can find him on Twitter here and on Github here.

We spend a bunch of time digging into the overlaps between Deno, Rust, Java, and Typescript. In case you missed it, Typescript is now the second most beloved language, based on the results of our 2020 Developer Survey.

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