No one likes meetings. Let's reduce their blast radius.

The Stack Overflow Podcast

The home team talks with Matt Martin, cofounder and CEO of Clockwise, which offers AI-powered time management and scheduling tools.

Clockwise is a time orchestration platform that optimizes schedules to create more time in your day. Clockwise AI, their new GPT-powered scheduling assistant, is launching in beta. Join the waitlist here to get early access. (They’re also hiring!)

Ryan wrote a recent article about whether meetings are making developers less productive.

Cal Newport’s instant classic Deep Work is about learning to tune out distractions and focus on cognitively demanding tasks.

Speaking of classics, Paul Graham of Y Combinator wrote about maker’s vs. manager’s schedules back in 2009.

Connect with Matt on LinkedIn.

Kudos to Stack Overflow user Joe Caruso, who won a Great Question badge with Get current time in hours and minutes.

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