S04E09 - Promoting Diversity in TC39 with Leo Balter and Tracy Lee

Modern Web

Leo Balter is a software engineer at Bocoup and an active member of the TC39 technical committee. If you are unfamiliar with TC39, it is the governing body for Javascript standards. TC39 members include individuals from Google, Netflix, Facebook, Yahoo and many others. Leo is among these individuals and attends committee meetings as a representative of the JS Foundation.Leo and Tracy discuss topics of societal barriers, exclusion of minorities, and sexism. Many of these topics surface as deterrents to individuals who want to be involved in the tech world but feel as if they are unable to do so well. Leo’s talks about his experience being a Brazilian male entering a male dominated, Caucasian world and how this inspired him to want to promote greater diversity within the TC39 community. Highlighted are the importance and benefits of having a wide range of diversity coming together to further the advancement of technology. TC39 https://github.com/tc39Bocoup https://bocoup.com/Leo Balter Twitterhttps://twitter.com/leobalterLeo Balter Github https://github.com/leobalter.

Leo Balter is a software engineer at Bocoup and an active member of the TC39 technical committee. If you are unfamiliar with TC39, it is the governing body for Javascript standards.

TC39 members include individuals from Google, Netflix, Facebook, Yahoo and many others. Leo is among these individuals and attends committee meetings as a representative of the JS Foundation.

Leo and Tracy discuss topics of societal barriers, exclusion of minorities, and sexism. Many of these topics surface as deterrents to individuals who want to be involved in the tech world but feel as if they are unable to do so well.

Leo’s talks about his experience being a Brazilian male entering a male dominated, Caucasian world and how this inspired him to want to promote greater diversity within the TC39 community.

Highlighted are the importance and benefits of having a wide range of diversity coming together to further the advancement of technology.





Leo Balter Twitter


Leo Balter Github


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