497: The State of Native Apps and Web Apps in 2022 with Thomas Steiner

ShopTalk Show

Show DescriptionWe're talking with Thomas Steiner of Google's Project Fugu about native apps or web apps. What is Project Fugu? Hardware limitations or requirements for using game controllers on the web. Working with new hardware API's. Reasons to choose a native app. As well as Thomas' SVG web app he's built.

Show Description

We're talking with Thomas Steiner of Google's Project Fugu about native apps or web apps. What is Project Fugu? Hardware limitations or requirements for using game controllers on the web. Working with new hardware API's. Reasons to choose a native app. As well as Thomas' SVG web app he's built.

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Thomas Steiner

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Developer Relations Engineer at@Google, focused on the Web and Project Fugu.




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