348: Getting lit-html with Justin Fagnani

ShopTalk Show

Justin Fagnani from the Polymer Project is our guest and we're taking a deep dive into lit-html and Polymer elements, how those projects are different, and we'll discuss how Web Components is wrapped up in all of this.

Show Description

Justin Fagnani from the Polymer Project is our guest and we're taking a deep dive into lit-html and Polymer elements, how those projects are different, and we'll discuss how Web Components is wrapped up in all of this.

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Justin Fagnani

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Works on Polymer and lit-html at Google




Netlify makes web hosting eye-openingly easy. One way to do it is to just literally drag and drop a folder. Even better, connect a Git repo to a Netlify site and tell it what branch you want to watch, then any commits to that branch will automatically go live, even running your sites build as it does it. I heard one developer say "It's like someone actually designed hosting and deployment."

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